PA Veteran Farming Network members with verified military service and 50% or more farm ownership will be listed on our farm map and will be licensed to post our logo on their social and webpage. Contact us to be added.
PA Preferred/Homegrown by Heroes is the state promotion program.
Cornell Small Farms Market Research fact sheet provides step-by-step tips for this component of your business plan.
Tips for creating a Farm Marketing Plan from Horizon Farm Credit. Any business plan should include a marketing plan section.
Selling to Food Banks: Contact Tom Mainzer at Feeding PA for more info.
PA Local Food Purchasing Program—funded by US Dept of Ag in 2022, fundig topurchase and distribute locally grown, produced, and processed food from underserved producers. Feeding PA administers the program, which provides dollars to food banks to purchase eligible farm food products directly from underserved (including veteran) producers.
PASS—PA Agricultural Surplus System reimburses farmers for their costs to harvest, package, and process surplus agricultural products, and redirects those products to the charitable food system and those who need it most.

Veteran owned farms and food businesses, learn about becoming a sponsor our farm map here.