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Download or view 2024 Conference Materials here:


Building a Balance Sheet guide and fillable balance sheet from Horizon Farm Credit

Central PA Food Bank handout 

Cover Crops Pay it Forward slides

EQIP Fact Sheet (NRCS)

Five Steps to USDA Assistance 

FSIS Compliance with Livestock Exemptions

Grants Slides 

HFC's Start/Expand/Improve your Farm slides 

Is CSP Right for Me?

Marketing (Corneliesse/Kovach) slides

Navigating NRCS slides

On-farm Solar slides

PA Ag Surplus System (PASS) fact sheet

Poultry Slaughter Exemption guidelines

Small Business Advantage Grant

Small Business Development Center services

USDA Risk Management slides

Vegetable Cover Crops (Fritz) slides


Definition of "Veteran" for  NRCS veteran initiatives: "The term veteran farmer or rancher (VFR) means a person who served in the United States Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard, including the reserve components thereof, and who was discharged or released therefrom under conditions other than dishonorable and who also meets the definition of beginning farmer or rancher (BFR). The VFR must: a) not have operated a farm or ranch; or b) not have operated a farm or ranch for more than 10 consecutive years. For a legal entity or joint operation to be considered a VFR entity, all members must meet the definition of VFR. A legal entity or joint operation can be a Veteran Farmer or Rancher only if all individual members independently qualify. Reference


Risk Management Agency programs have a different definition.


Thank you to our Conference sponsors...
Horizon Farm Credit
Chesapeake Bay Foundation
Frank Rossi Insurance/GEICO

...and our Program Sponsors
PASA Sustainable Agricult:ure
PA Small Business Development Center  Ag Center of Excellence
PA Farm Link

Copyright PA Veteran Farming Network 2023

PO Box 65

Forbes Road, PA 15633

All rights reserved.

Information, services and products herein are provided with the understanding that neither the author, seller, fiscal sponsor, nor publisher is engaged in rendering any legal, business or financial advice. Consult a legal or financial professional as needed. Although we make strong efforts to make sure our information is accurate and current, the PA Veteran Farming Network or its staff,  volunteers, or sponsors cannot guarantee that all the information on this website  is always correct, complete, or up-to-date. 

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